Goodbye College ave.
Dear friends,
We have some sad news to share. Wund3rKID will close on August 23rd. Unfortunately, we are coming-up on the end of our lease term and we are not being permitted to renew it. We are actively looking for a new location set to re-open in 2020. Please stay tuned!
Thank you for your support, community and laughter with us the last 4-years at our amazing College ave location. We have cherished our first family business, Wund3rKID, greatly and we are most grateful for the delightful families we have met. We built such memorable relationships that we will look forward to rekindling in 2020 at our new spot. Please keep in touch with us and we wish you a great summer & fall of 2019.
All the best,
The Wund3rKID Family
(Michelle, Plamen, Kathy, Teacher Chaia and Teacher Katy)